Author Archives: consuelo51

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New Marketing And Promotional Ideas

New marketing and promotional ideas! Free! Most are related to internet-based businesses, but even those can usually be adopted in some way to other businesses. Here are half a dozen marketing ideas to get you thinking.

A one-hour coupon. Offline businesses that want to increase the traffic to their websites can announce an “internet coupon” good for a free drink (or whatever). The coupon would be up on the site for an hour, sometime on a Friday, say. Visitors will return again and again to try to be there at the right time to get the freebie. If you collect pay-per-click advertising fees, this repeat traffic might be especially profitable.

Free gift article teaser. A free gift is certainly not a new marketing idea, but it hasn’t been done much in internet article “resource boxes.” My click-throughs from articles increased when I started putting in the author’s resource box, “For more information and a free gift, visit…” The gift is usually a short course, or an e-book. If you don’t want to write an e-book, you can find one with free distribution rights.

Word links for sale. Maybe you have heard about the entrepreneur that sold a million pixels on one web page for a dollar each. Advertisers could buy a minimum of 100, and the image would link to their site. I’ve seen many copycats, but I haven’t yet seen anyone selling words. This could be even better for advertisers, because they could buy the words that are relevant to their products. A page full of random words isn’t pretty, but these things get publicity and traffic for their novelty.

Product user contests. If you have a product that’s used in many ways or many places, this is a great promotional gimmick: a contest to see who has used their cell phone, watch, or whatever in the wildest place or the most unusual way. (“I took my walkman to the north pole!”) Customers could post their stories and photos directly to your company web site. They wiould return repeatedly to see new stories, and the results of the competition.

Advertising on cereal boxes. A lot of time is spent staring at cereal boxes. Perhaps you could get a good rate on advertising on them. There have had some advertising, but no boxes covered in ads yet. Brokering ad space on cereal boxes could be a good business to get into.

Pay for article placement. Many of us distribute articles to generate traffic to our web sites, and many also pay to advertise. Since articles are especially good marketing tools, why not pay to have other webmasters put them on their sites? This is done for free now, but not often enough. Maybe offer a small one-time fee, with a minimum time commitment. Explain that leaving the article there forever can generate search engine traffic.

Put ads on private cars, advertising on sidewalks, have a contest to see who can get your product mentioned on and seen on TV – there are endless possibilities for new marketing and promotional ideas.        


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Why viral marketing is sooo important!

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Leverage On Other People’s List

Internet marketing gurus always talk about building your mailing list. Mailing lists are important because it is true that the money is always in the list.

Most of the time, some Internet marketers will beg other marketers (especially those with a bigger list size) to promote their products, do an ad swap or help them to build their own lists in general.

But what if, instead of relying on YOUR OWN LIST, you can LEVERAGE on other people’s list?

You see, in Internet marketing, there is always someone who has a bigger list size than you. These people will always want to sell products.
If you can create products (such as master resell rights or no restriction private label rights products) and give them the rights to sell YOUR products with YOUR ads in it, you will be getting constant advertising for FREE and people are doing it WILLINGLY for you!

After all, when you promote a product to your list, it is still limited in the sense that you can only mail your list once or twice, but having your products being promoted all over the Internet, will take the burden off the lists and give you additional streams of income.

The Power Of Exponential Growth

Many people neglect the power of viral marketing because they have this misconception that it yields very little at the start. They feel that they would rather promote their products by themselves rather than share the product with other resellers.

The same applies with blog posts. (See the chapter on blogs and themes below).

Let’s do a little math.

Would you rather make $100,000 a month or make build a campaign that doubles in revenue starting at $0.01 a day for every next day?

1 à2 à4 à8 à16 à64 à128 à256 à……… MILLIONS!

The power of exponential growth tells us that you will become a millionaire after almost 30 days! (2 to the power of 30!!!)

Do you see the power of viral marketing?

Whether you are getting one new subscriber a day or one sale a day, you will be able to generate lots of traffic just by viral marketing alone!

Now to be realistic, even with the UNLIMITED growth potential on the Internet, there will come a time where there is a saturation point. But it still doesn’t dispute the fact that there are millions of customers (and many resellers) that will market for you and expand your efforts FOR YOU!

It is always a good idea to build several viral marketing channels. That way, even when your viral campaign starts to slow down (due to saturation), you will still be able to leverage on many channels and build your list or your affiliate commissions.

In future articles , i will explore a few tools, both free and paid that will enable you to build several viral campaigns and watch as traffic beats a path to your virtual doorstep!

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Secrets Revealed: Triple Your Business With List Building

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There are several things that you can do to really boost profits within your business but the real secret is collecting emails.
Several companies have already realized huge profit gains by simply adding one simple step to their business…collect your clients name and email address.

Doesn’t sound very profitable until you realize what you can do with that information. No I am not talking about spamming, I am talking about sending emails to your client that they can’t wait to receive.

One business that implemented this technique sells video games, hardware, ext. After walking up to the counter to pay for their merchandise the cashier simply asks for their information and includes the email address of the buyer. What better way to get someone back into your store than inviting them. So how do you send your clients an email without their getting angry and yelling spam?

Send them legitimate offers that make sense. If you just email your client to tell them to come back to your store then their is no real reason for that email. In fact the person who received it might think it to be junk mail. How about setting up your system to email a person 3 days after they purchase from you to let them know that when they come back, they have a 10% discount waiting for them. You let them know that all they need to do in bring in a special code that you give them or just let them know to mention the email.

There are several ways to profit from you list, especially if you run an online business. What you have read here is just the tip of the ice burg. What is written here is the very basics. The real aspects come with knowing how to multiply profits several times with other email techniques. Beware that when you start an email list you are going to run into several “road blocks”.

One such road block is managing your email list with the right server. Certain domain names get email delivered to your prospects much better than others. This is due to spam blocking my many of the major email companies. Another road block is timing your emails to go out at the right time. Send your email at the wrong time of day, or even the wrong day, and you may not get any responses. Another big problem is managing spam complaints. So what can you do to ensure that you do things right the first time?

There is a new website that is being released that does reveal many of these major marketing techniques. Many of the secrets revealed have more than doubled profits for several businesses…online and offline. If you are interested in finding out more about the website you will need to see the resource box of this article.

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How To Get Others to Market Your Product or Service for You

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Marketing can be expensive and most small business owners don’t have big marketing budgets. So looking for targeted ways
to get free marketing exposure is a great solution. You may have considered public relations as a low cost marketing tactic, but
what if you can’t write, or you don’t have the time to sit down and create a press kit or even write a press release?

Well, there’s an easy way to get publicity that does not even require you to write a press release. Try donating your product or service for an auction or door prize. Very often, associations, groups and charities conduct live or silent auctions at their events. Or they give away door prizes to attendees to encourage attendance. Why not donate your product or service and benefit from the free marketing exposure it can generate.

Typically you will receive promotion during the event, and in the event program. You benefit from the implied endorsement of the group conducting the event, and goodwill associated
with giving away your product or service. You may even be able to write off the cost as a business expense. (Please check with your tax advisor).

And, not only will you receive free exposure, you will also gain a new customer. Who could tell a few friends, who could tell a few friends, who could tell a few friends … you see where this is going. It’s a great way to get free exposure for your products or services and start to generate new customers.

Not sure what groups or charities you should donate your auction item or door prize to?

You will want to choose an organization whose members, and event attendees, closely match your ideal customer. Take a look at your customers and prospects. Then try to find groups and associations who service these types of people.

Perhaps there is a health club in your area that is celebrating a grand opening, or a consumer expo coming to town. Do you target middle-aged women with school-age children? How about hooking up with a school or PTA-sponsored event?
Perhaps your local Little League or Soccer organization is looking for auction items to raise money for its upcoming season.

Do you target corporate professionals in high-stress jobs such as finance, advertising and marketing, or technology? Look for the local chapters of trade associations servicing these industries. They typically hold monthly meetings, plus larger annual events.

It really depends on who your prospects are. Your goal with any marketing activity is to gain exposure among your target audience. So select an organization or group whose members match your clients, and odds are they will be interested in your services and your business will benefit from this highly-targeted marketing exposure.

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How Creative Professionals Can Get More Perfect Clients

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When you work with the “perfect” client, life is wonderful and business is simple. The perfect client pays on time, is thrilled with your work, tells all of her friends about you, and makes doing what you do easy. If you could replicate the perfect client, then business wouldn’t be difficult, right?

Let’s discuss how to locate more perfect clients so you can increase your income and decrease your not-so-perfect client drama.

First, define your “perfect” client. Write a list of specific items that makes (or you think would make) a client great. Is the client male or female? Does he have children? Is she married? In what area does the client live? How much money does the client make? What type of car does he drive? What type of personality does the client have? What age range does the client fall? What does she do for a living?

Once you have a list of criteria that make up your perfect client, find out what the client does in his spare time. What are her hobbies? Does she do charity work? Is he involved with coaching sports for his children? Is she a member of any professional organizations or chambers of commerce? Does your client like to entertain guests in her home? Where does your client shop?

Knowing what your client does with his time will help you know where to market and where to find more perfect clients. For example, if your perfect client is involved with a local charity, you may also want to become a part of that organization to meet other potential clients. If your perfect client is a member of a professional organization, you may be able to write an article or speak for that organization. If your perfect client shops at a particular store, you could make arrangements with the store owner or manager to have flyers about your company at the check out counter or you could do a joint promotional mailing together. The possibilities are endless – if you understand specifics about your perfect target client.

Also, ask the clients who already fall into the “perfect” category, for referrals. My personal favorite way to ask for referrals is to say, “You are my perfect type of client to work with and I’d love to work with more people like you. If you have friends and family who need similar projects, please have them call me. You’ve been such a joy to work with.” Then give them a business card or a flyer or other piece of marketing material they could pass on to their perfect friends. You can also include this information in a thank you note or follow up letter.

The more perfect clients you work with the more opportunities you will find and have to work with other perfect clients. Keep in mind, if you have clients who have been less-than-perfect, they are more likely to refer you to other less-than-perfect people. So, do everything you can to surround yourself with perfect ones, and your business will be wonderful!

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